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An attentive cat rescued 64 cats and owners

In Malaysia, a cat named Hana saved the owners from a fire at night. This is reported by the New Straits Times.

In the early morning hours of Sunday, December 3, a couple from Kauntan town were woken up by the cat, who was sleeping with them in their bedroom, to warn them of a fire. When Ruhaifi Isiraf Saad, 45, and his wife Siti Aishaf Zainul, 41, woke up, they found that there had been a short circuit in the house, the electricity was out and the TV in the room was on fire and smoking.

“My wife and I woke up quickly when we smelled smoke. We tried to douse the fire with water. My wife threw a wet towel over the smoking TV. The quick response allowed us to put out the fire in a few minutes and we remained calm throughout the incident,” Saad told reporters. At the same time, there were 64 other cats in other rooms of the house. So thanks to her attentiveness, Hana saved not only her owners, but also her relatives.

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